Freddi Fish Scummvm Collection Iso Download

EmuMovies Official 3D Boxes Collection for MAME Arcade Game Availability - Site, FTP, Sync This is a collection of all known official MAME flyers converted to simple 3D Boxes. Several games have been released for free legal download by their respective copyright holders. For more information, check the freeware games table below. Only the classic mode is playable in ScummVM. Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse; Macintosh & Windows CD English. Cd-rom Collection (1) CD-ROM Diskmags. Downhill (1) Download (1). Franklin (2) Freddi Fish (10). SCSI (1) Scummvm (1). Spongebob Iso Game (1). Freddi Fish and and his friend Luther search for the missing conch shell. Games you may like; Download Links; Similar Games; Emulators (Quick Download). [ScummVM] Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Atari ST) [PS2] Rogue. Freddi fish 3 free. download full version bubble count. North lake tahoe vacation cabins. Play freddi freddi fish 3 free. download full version fish 3 – the case of the stolen conch, full review, download free demo, screenshots. There’s no reason to be afraid of the dark. Searching for a safe and virus-free freddi fish 1 game download to play?

File size:2924 Kb
Date added:4 Oct 2013
Operating systems:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 MacOS

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For more information, compatibility lists, details on donating, thelatest release, progress reports and more, please visit the ScummVM homepage at:

Table of Contents:

  • 1.0) Introduction
  • 2.0) Contact
  • 3.0) Supported Games
    • 3.6) Broken Sword games notes
    • 3.26) Zork games notes
  • 5.0) Running ScummVM
  • 6.0) Saved Games
  • 7.0) Music and Sound
    • 7.5) Native MIDI support
    • 7.6) UNIX native, ALSA and dmedia sequencersupport
    • 7.8) Using compressed audiofiles
  • 8.0) Configuration file

1.0) Introduction

1.1) About ScummVM

ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphicalpoint-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their datafiles. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executablesshipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for whichthey were never designed!

Originally it was designed to run LucasArts' SCUMM games, such as ManiacMansion, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle or Sam and Max. SCUMM standsfor 'Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion', which was the firstgame for which LucasArts designed this system. And much later it gaveits name to ScummVM ('VM' meaning Virtual Machine).

Over time support for a lot of non-SCUMM games has been added, andScummVM now also supports many of Sierra's AGI and SCI games (such asKing's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld 1 and 2, Simon theSorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress, BrokenSword I and II, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3, The Legend ofKyrandia series, many of Humongous Entertainment's children's SCUMMgames (including Freddi Fish and Putt Putt games) and many more. You canfind a full list with details on which adventures are supported and howwell on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, socheck back often.

Among the systems on which you can play those games are regular desktopcomputers (running Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, ...), game consoles(Dreamcast, Nintendo DS & Wii, PS2, PSP, ...), smartphones (Android,iPhone, PocketPC, Symbian ...) and more.

At this time ScummVM is still under heavy development. Be aware thatwhilst we attempt to make sure that many games can be completed with fewmajor bugs, crashes can happen and we offer no warranty. That beingsaid, some of the games have been supported for a long time and shouldwork fine with any recent stable release. You can get a feeling of howwell each game is working in ScummVM by looking at the compatibilitypage. Actually, if you browse a bit around you might discover thatScummVM is even being used commercially to re-release some of thesupported games on modern platforms. This shows that several companiesare happy with the quality of the software and how well it can run someof the games.

If you enjoy ScummVM feel free to donate using the PayPal button on theScummVM homepage. This will help us buy utilities needed to developScummVM easier and quicker. If you cannot donate, help and contribute apatch!

1.2) Quick start

For the impatient among you, here is how to get ScummVM running in fivesimple steps.

  1. Download ScummVM from andinstall it.

  2. Create a directory on your hard drive and copy the game datafilesfrom the original media to this directory. Repeat this for everygame you want to play.

  3. Start ScummVM, choose 'Add game', select the directory with the gamedatafiles (do not try to select the datafiles themselves!) andpress Choose.

  4. A dialog should pop up allowing you to configure various settings ifyou wish to (it should be just fine to leave everything at itsdefault, though). Confirm the dialog.

  5. Select the game you want to play in the list, and press Start.

In the future, you should be able to directly skip to step 5, unless youwant to add more games.

Hint: If you want to add multiple games in one go, try pressing andholding the shift key before clicking 'Add game' -- its label willchange to 'Mass Add' and if you press it, you are again asked to selecta directory, only this time ScummVM will search through allsubdirectories for supported games.

1.3) F.A.Q.

We've compiled a list of F.A.Q. at:

2.0) Contact

The easiest way to contact the ScummVM team is by submitting bug reports(see section 2.1) or by using our forums at can also join and e-mail the scummvm-devel mailing list, or chatwith us on IRC (#scummvm on Please do not ask us tosupport an unsupported game -- read the FAQ on our web site first.

2.1) Reporting Bugs

To report a bug, please follow the 'Bug Tracker' link from our homepageand log in with your GitHub account. Please make sure the bug isreproducible, and still occurs in the latest git/Daily build version.Also check the known problems list (below) and the compatibility list onour website for that game, to ensure the issue is not already known:

Please do not report bugs for games that are not listed as beingcompleteable in the 'Supported Games' section, or compatibility list. Weknow those games have bugs.

Please include the following information:

  • ScummVM version (PLEASE test the latest git/Daily build)
  • Bug details, including instructions on reproducing
  • Language of game (English, German, ...)
  • Version of game (talkie, floppy, ...)
  • Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, FreeBSD, ...)
  • Attach a saved game if possible - If this bug only occurredrecently, please note the last version without the bug, and thefirst version including the bug. That way we can fix it quicker bylooking at the changes made.

Finally, please report each issue separately; do not file multipleissues on the same ticket. (Otherwise, it gets difficult to track thestatus of each individual bug).

3.0) Supported Games

At the moment the following games have been reported to work, and shouldbe playable to the end: A more detailed compatibility list of thesupported games can be found here:

LucasArts (SCUMM) Games:
Maniac Mansion[maniac]
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders[zak]
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade[indy3]
Passport to Adventure[pass]
The Secret of Monkey Island[monkey]
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge[monkey2]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis[atlantis]
Day of the Tentacle[tentacle]
Sam & Max Hit the Road[samnmax]
Full Throttle[ft]
The Dig[dig]
The Curse of Monkey Island[comi]
Activision (MADE) Games:
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2[lgop2]
The Manhole[manhole]
Return to Zork[rtz]
Rodney's Funscreen[rodney]
Adventuresoft/Horrorsoft (AGOS) Games:
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark[elvira1]
Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus[elvira2]
Personal Nightmare[pn]
Simon the Sorcerer 1[simon1]
Simon the Sorcerer 2[simon2]
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Demon In My Pocket[dimp]
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Jumble[jumble]
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - NoPatience[puzzle]
Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack - Swampy Adventures[swampy]
The Feeble Files[feeble]
Coktel Vision (GOB) Games:
Bargon Attack[bargon]
Gobliins 2[gob2]
Goblins 3[gob3]
Lost in Time[lostintime]
Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding Hood[littlered]
Playtoons: Bambou le sauveur de la jungle[bambou]
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble[woodruff]
Urban Runner[urban]
Ween: The Prophecy[ween]
Revolution Software (Various) Games:
Beneath a Steel Sky[sky]
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars[sword1]
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror[sword2]
Lure of the Temptress[lure]
Sierra (AGI/preAGI) Games:
The Black Cauldron[bc]
Gold Rush![goldrush]
King's Quest I[kq1]
King's Quest II[kq2]
King's Quest III[kq3]
King's Quest IV[kq4]
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards[lsl1]
Mixed-Up Mother Goose[mixedup]
Manhunter 1: New York[mh1]
Manhunter 2: San Francisco[mh2]
Police Quest I: In Pursuit of the Death Angel[pq1]
Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter[sq1]
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge[sq2]
Fanmade Games[agi-fanmade]
Mickey's Space Adventure[mickey]
Troll's Tale[troll]
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood[winnie]
Sierra (SCI) Games:
Castle of Dr. Brain[castlebrain]
Codename: ICEMAN[iceman]
Conquests of Camelot[camelot]
Conquests of the Longbow[longbow]
EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus[ecoquest]
EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the Rainforest[ecoquest2]
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist[freddypharkas]
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers[gk1]
Hoyle's Book of Games 1[hoyle1]
Hoyle's Book of Games 2[hoyle2]
Hoyle's Book of Games 3[hoyle3]
Hoyle Classic Card Games[hoyle4]
Jones in the Fast Lane[jones]
King's Quest I[kq1sci]
King's Quest IV[kq4sci]
King's Quest V[kq5]
King's Quest VI[kq6]
King's Quest VII[kq7]
King's Questions[kquestions]
Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest[laurabow]
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra[laurabow2]
Leisure Suit Larry 1[lsl1sci]
Leisure Suit Larry 2[lsl2]
Leisure Suit Larry 3[lsl3]
Leisure Suit Larry 5[lsl5]
Leisure Suit Larry 6[lsl6]
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (hires)[lsl6hires]
Leisure Suit Larry 7[lsl7]
Lighthouse: The Dark Being[lighthouse]
Mixed-up Fairy Tales[fairytales]
Mixed-up Mother Goose[mothergoose]
Mixed-up Mother Goose Deluxe[mothergoosehires]
Pepper's Adventures in Time[pepper]
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh[phantasmagoria2]
Police Quest 1[pq1sci]
Police Quest 2[pq2]
Police Quest 3[pq3]
Police Quest 4[pq4]
Quest for Glory 1/Hero's Quest[qfg1]
Quest for Glory 1[qfg1vga]
Quest for Glory 2[qfg2]
Quest for Glory 3[qfg3]
Slater & Charlie Go Camping[slater]
Space Quest I[sq1sci]
Space Quest III[sq3]
Space Quest IV[sq4]
Space Quest V[sq5]
Space Quest 6[sq6]
The Island of Dr. Brain[islandbrain]
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery[gk2]
Torin's Passage[torin]
Other Games:
3 Skulls of the Toltecs[toltecs]
Amazon: Guardians of Eden[access]
Beavis and Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity[bbvs]
Blue Force[blueforce]
Broken Sword: The Return of the Templars[sword25]
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble[tucker]
Chivalry is Not Dead[chivalry]
Cruise for a Corpse[cruise]
Discworld 2: Missing Presumed ...!?[dw2]
Dragon History[draci]
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back[drascula]
Eye of the Beholder[eob]
Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon[eob2]
Flight of the Amazon Queen[queen]
Future Wars[fw]
Hopkins FBI[hopkins]
Hugo's House of Horrors[hugo1]
Hugo 2: Whodunit?[hugo2]
Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom[hugo3]
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream[ihnm]
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb[ite]
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos[lol]
Mortville Manor[mortevielle]
Myst / Myst: Masterpiece Edition[myst]
Nippon Safes Inc.[nippon]
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender[nebular]
Ringworld: Revenge Of The Patriarch[ringworld]
Riven: The Sequel to Myst[riven]
Return to Ringworld[ringworld2]
Starship Titanic[titanic]
The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime[pegasus]
The Labyrinth of Time[lab]
The Legend of Kyrandia[kyra1]
The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate[kyra2]
The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge[kyra3]
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel[scalpel]
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo[rosetattoo]
The Neverhood[neverhood]
The 7th Guest[t7g]
Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths[tony]
Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer[touche]
U.F.O.s / Gnap: Der Schurke aus dem All[gnap]
Zork: Grand Inquisitor[zgi]
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands[znemesis]
Humongous Entertainment (SCUMM) Games:
Backyard Baseball[baseball]
Backyard Baseball 2001[baseball2001]
Backyard Baseball 2003[baseball2003]
Backyard Football[football]
Backyard Football 2002[football2002]
Bear Stormin'[brstorm]
Big Thinkers First Grade[thinker1]
Big Thinkers Kindergarten[thinkerk]
Blue's 123 Time Activities[Blues123Time]
Blue's ABC Time Activities[BluesABCTime]
Blue's Art Time Activities[arttime]
Blue's Birthday Adventure[BluesBirthday]
Blue's Reading Time Activities[readtime]
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise[fbear]
Fatty Bear's Fun Pack[fbpack]
Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds[freddi]
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse[freddi2]
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell[freddi3]
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch[freddi4]
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove[freddicove]
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness[maze]
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries[water]
Let's Explore the Airport with Buzzy[airport]
Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy[farm]
Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy[jungle]
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day[pjgames]
Pajama Sam 1: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside[pajama]
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening[pajama2]
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet[pajama3]
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found[lost]
Pajama Sam's Sock Works[socks]
Putt-Putt Enters the Race[puttrace]
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon[puttmoon]
Putt-Putt Joins the Circus[puttcircus]
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade[puttputt]
Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo[puttzoo]
Putt-Putt Travels Through Time[putttime]
Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-Rama[balloon]
Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a Stick[dog]
Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity Pack[activity]
Putt-Putt's Fun Pack[funpack]
SPY Fox 1: Dry Cereal[spyfox]
SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly Required[spyfox2]
SPY Fox 3: Operation Ozone[spyozon]
SPY Fox in Cheese Chase[chase]
SPY Fox in Hold the Mustard[mustard]

The following games should load but are not yet fully playable. Playthese at your own risk, and please do not file bug reports about them.If you want the latest updates on game compatibility, visit our website and view the compatibility chart.

Backyard Soccer[soccer]
Backyard Soccer MLS[soccermls]
Backyard Soccer 2004[soccer2004]
Blue's Treasure Hunt[BluesTreasureHunt]
Animation Magic (Composer) Games:
Darby the Dragon[darby]
Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon[gregory]
Magic Tales: Liam Finds a Story[liam]
The Princess and the Crab[princess]
Sleeping Cub's Test of Courage[sleepingcub]
Living Books Games:
Aesop's Fables: The Tortoise and the Hare[tortoise]
Arthur's Birthday[arthurbday]
Arthur's Teacher Trouble[arthur]
Dr. Seuss's ABC[seussabc]
Green Eggs and Ham[greeneggs]
Harry and the Haunted House[harryhh]
Just Grandma and Me[grandma]
Little Monster at School[lilmonster]
Ruff's Bone[ruff]
Sheila Rae, the Brave[sheila]
The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight[bearfight]
The Berenstain Bears in the Dark[beardark]
The New Kid on the Block[newkid]

The following games are based on the SCUMM engine, but NOT supported byScummVM (yet):

Please be aware that the engines may contain bugs and unimplementedfeatures that sometimes make it impossible to finish the game. Saveoften, and please file a bug report (instructions on submitting bugreports are above) if you encounter such a bug in a 'supported' game.

3.1) Copy Protection

The ScummVM team does not condone piracy. However, there are cases wherethe game companies (such as LucasArts) themselves bundled 'cracked'executables with their games -- in these cases the data files stillcontain the copy protection scripts, but the interpreter bypasses them(similar to what an illegally cracked version might do, only that herethe producer of the game did it). There is no way for us to tell thedifference between legitimate and pirated data files, so for the gameswhere we know that a cracked version of the original interpreter wassold at some point, ScummVM will always have to bypass the copyprotection.

In some cases ScummVM will still show the copy protection screen. Tryentering any answer. Chances are that it will work.

ScummVM will skip copy protection in the following games:

  • Beneath a Steel Sky
    • bypassed with kind permission from Revolution Software.
  • Dreamweb
    • a list of available commands in the in-game terminals is nowshown when the player uses the help command
  • Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (Floppy version)
    • bypassed with kind permission from Wyrmkeep Entertainment, sinceit was bypassed in all CD releases of the game.
  • Loom (EGA DOS)
  • Lure of the Temptress
  • Maniac Mansion
  • Might and Magic: World of Xeen
  • Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
  • Rex Nebular and The Cosmic Gender Bender
  • Simon the Sorcerer 1 (Floppy version)
  • Simon the Sorcerer 2 (Floppy version)
    • bypassed with kind permission from Adventure Soft, since it wasbypassed in all CD releases of the game.
  • The Secret of Monkey Island (VGA)
  • Voyeur
  • Waxworks
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

3.2) Datafiles

For a comprehensive list of required Datafiles for supported gamesvisit:

3.3) Multi-CD games notes

In general, ScummVM does not deal very well with Multi-CD games. This isbecause ScummVM assumes everything about a game can be found in onedirectory. Even if ScummVM does make some provisions for asking the userto change CD, the original game executables usually installed a smallnumber of files to the hard disk. Unless these files can be found on allthe CDs, ScummVM will be in trouble.

Fortunately, ScummVM has no problems running the games entirely fromhard disk, if you create a directory with the correct combination offiles. Usually, when a file appears on more than one CD you can pickeither of them.

3.4) Known Problems

This release has the following known problems. There is no need toreport them, although patches to fix them are welcome. If you discover abug that is not listed here, nor in the compatibility list on the website, please see the section on reporting bugs.

CD Audio Games:

  • When playing games that use CD Audio (FM-TOWNS games, Loom CD, etc)users of Microsoft Windows 2000/XP may experience random crashes.This is due to a long-standing Windows bug, resulting in corruptgame files being read from the CD. Please copy the game data to yourhard disk to avoid this.

FM-TOWNS versions:

  • The Kanji versions require the FM-TOWNS Font ROM.


  • Turning off the subtitles via the config file does not work reliablyas the Loom scripts automatically turn them on again.
  • MIDI support in the EGA version requires the Roland update fromLucasArts.
  • The PC-Engine Kanji version requires the system card rom.

The Secret of Monkey Island:

  • MIDI support in the EGA version requires the Roland update fromLucasArts.

Beneath a Steel Sky:

  • Amiga versions aren't supported.
  • Floppy demos aren't supported.
  • Not a bug: CD version is missing speech for some dialogs, this isnormal.

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark:

  • No music in the Atari ST version.

Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus

  • No music in the Atari ST version.
  • No sound effects in the PC version.
  • Palette issues in the Atari ST version.

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb:

  • Amiga versions aren't supported.

Lure of the Temptress:

  • No Roland MT-32 support.
  • Sound support is incomplete and doesn't sound like original.

Simon the Sorcerer 1:

  • Subtitles aren't available in the English and German CD versions asthey are missing the majority of subtitles.

Simon the Sorcerer 2:

  • Combined speech and subtitles will often cause speech to be cut offearly, this is a limitation of the original game.
  • Only default language (English) of data files is supported in Amigaand Macintosh versions.

Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack:

  • No support for displaying, entering, loading or saving high scores.
  • No support for displaying names of items, when hovering over them inSwampy Adventures.

The Feeble Files:

  • Subtitles are often incomplete, they were always disabled in theoriginal game.

The Legend of Kyrandia:

  • No music or sound effects in the Macintosh floppy versions.
  • Macintosh CD is using included DOS music and sound effects.

Humongous Entertainment games:

  • Only the original load and save interface can be used.
  • No support for multiplayer or printing images.

3.5) Extra Data Files

Some games require additional files that are not part of the original data. Those files can generally be found in our Downloads page.

Games that require additional data:

  • Beneath a Steel Sky (sky.cpt)
  • Flight of the Amazon Queen
  • Kyrandia Series (kyra.dat)
  • Lands of Lore Series (kyra.dat)
  • Lure of the Temptress (lure.dat)

The most up to date list of Engine data files can be found in our source code repository

3.6) Broken Sword games notes

The instructions for the Broken Sword games are for the Sold-OutSoftware versions, with each game on two CDs, since these were theversions most easily available at the time ScummVM gained support forthem. Hopefully they are general enough to be useful to other releasesas well.

3.6.1) Broken Sword

For this game, you will need all of the files from the clustersdirectories on both CDs. For the Windows and Macintosh versions, youwill also need the speech.clu files from the speech directories, butsince they are not identical you will need to rename them speech1.cluand speech2.clu for CD 1 and 2 respectively. The PlayStation versionrequires the, speech.dat, speech.lis, and speech.inf.

In addition, the Windows and Macintosh versions require a musicsubdirectory with all of the files from the music subdirectories on bothCDs. Some of these files appear on both CDs, but in these cases they areeither identical or, in one case, so nearly identical that it makeslittle difference. The PlayStation version requires tunes.dat

3.6.2) Broken Sword II

For this game, you will need all of the files from the clustersdirectories on both CDs. (Actually, a few of them may not be strictlynecessary, but the ones that I'm uncertain about are all fairly small.)You will need to rename the speech.clu and music.clu files speech1.clu,speech2.clu, music1.clu and music2.clu so that ScummVM can tell whichones are from CD 1 and which ones are from CD 2. Any other files thatappear in both cluster directories are identical. Use whichever youlike.

In addition, you will need the cd.inf and, optionally, the startup.inffiles from the sword2 directory on CD 1.

3.6.3) Broken Sword games cutscenes

The cutscenes for the Broken Sword games have a bit of a history (seethe next section, if you are interested), but in general all you need todo is to copy the .SMK files from the 'SMACKS' or 'SMACKSHI' directorieson the CDs to the same directory as the other game data files. (BrokenSword has a 'SMACKSLO' directory with the same cutscenes, but these areof lower quality.) You can put them in a subdirectory called 'video' ifyou find that neater.

For the PlayStation versions, you can dump the original videos off thedisc. For each of the files ending in an 'STR' extension, you shoulddump them as raw sectors off the disc (all 2352 bytes per sector). Youmay also use the re-encoded cutscenes mentioned below instead, but thiswill not work for all videos in Broken Sword II. For more information,see:

Some re-releases of the games, as well as the PlayStation version, donot have Smacker videos. Revolution Software has kindly allowed us toprovide re-encoded cutscenes for download on our website:

These cutscenes are provided in DXA format with FLAC audio. Theirquality is equal to the original games due to the use of losslesscompression. Viewing these cutscenes requires a version of ScummVMcompiled with both FLAC and zlib support.

For systems that are too slow to handle the decoding of FLAC audio, theaudio for these cutscenes is also provided separately as OGG Vorbisaudio. Viewing these cutscenes with OGG Vorbis audio requires a versionof ScummVM compiled with both libVorbis and zlib support.

For Broken Sword, we also provide a subtitles add-on. Simply unpack itand follow the instructions in its readme.txt file. The subtitle packcurrently does not work when running PlayStation videos. (Broken SwordII already has subtitles; no extra work is needed for them.)

3.6.4) Broken Sword games cutscenes, in retrospect

The original releases of the Broken Sword games used RAD Game Tools'sSmacker(tm) format. As RAD was unwilling to open the older legacyversions of this format to us, and had requested we not reverse engineerit, an alternative solution had to be found.

In Broken Sword II, it was possible to play back the voice-over withoutplaying the video itself. This remained a fallback until ScummVM 1.0.0,but was never the only solution for any stable release.

In ScummVM 0.6.0 we used MPEG, which provided a reasonable trade-offbetween size and quality. In ScummVM 0.10.0 this was superseded by DXA(originally added for AdventureSoft's 'The Feeble Files'). This gave usa way of providing the cutscenes in the exact same quality as theoriginals, at the cost of being larger.

Finally, in early 2006, the Smacker format was reverse engineered forthe FFmpeg project. Thanks to their hard work, ScummVM 1.0.0 nowsupports the original cutscenes. At the same time, MPEG support wasdropped. From a technical standpoint, this was a good thing sincedecoding MPEG movies added a lot of complexity, and they didn't look asgood as the Smacker and DXA versions anyway.

3.7) Day of the Tentacle notes

At one point in the game, you come across a computer that allows you toplay the original Maniac Mansion as an easter egg. ScummVM supportsthis, with a few caveats:

ScummVM will scan your configuration file for a game that's in aManiac sub-folder of your Day of the Tentacle folder. If you've copiedthe data files from the CD version, this should already be the case butyou have to add the game to ScummVM as well.

To return to Day of the Tentacle, press F5 and select 'Return toLauncher'.

This means that you could in theory use any game as the easter egg.Indeed, there is a 'secret' configuration setting, easter_egg, tooverride the ID of the game to run. Be aware, though, that not all gamessupport returning to the launcher, and setting it up to use Day of theTentacle itself as the easter egg game is not recommended.

3.8) Dragon History notes

There are 4 language variants of the game: Czech, English, Polish andGerman. Each of them is distributed in a separate archive. The onlyofficial version is the Czech one, and the English, Polish and Germanports have always been work in progress and never officially released.Although all texts are fully translated, it is known that some of themcontain typos.

There exists an optional Czech dubbing for the game. For bandwidthreasons, you can download it separately and then unpack it to thedirectory of the game. You can listen to the Czech dubbing with alllanguage variants of the game, while reading the subtitles.

All game files and the walkthrough can be downloaded from:

3.9) Flight of the Amazon Queen notes

Only the original non-freeware version of Flight of the Amazon Queen(from original CD), requires the queen.tbl datafile (available from the Downloads page on our website) in either thedirectory containing the queen.1 game data file, in your extrapath, orin the directory where your ScummVM executable resides.

Alternatively, you can use the compress_queen tool from the toolspackage to 'rebuild' your FOTAQ data file to include the table for thatspecific version, and thus removing the run-time dependency on thequeen.tbl file. This tool also allows you to compress the speech andsound effects with MP3, OGG or FLAC.

3.10) Gobliiins notes

The CD versions of the Gobliiins series contain one big audio trackwhich you need to rip (see the section on using compressed audio files)and copy into the game directory if you want to have in-game musicwithout the CD in the drive all the time. The speech is also in thattrack and its volume is therefore changed with the music volume controlas well.

3.11) Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb notes

In order to run the Mac OS X Wyrmkeep re-release of the game you willneed to copy over data from the CD to your hard disk. If you're on a PCthen consult:

Although it primarily talks about SCUMM games, it mentions the'HFSExplorer' utility which you need to extract the files. Note that youhave to put the speech data 'Inherit the Earth Voices' in the samedirectory as the game data which is stored in:

Inherit the

For the old Mac OS 9 release you need to copy the files in MacBinaryformat, as they should include both resource and data forks. Copy all'ITE *' files.

3.12) Mickey's Space Adventure notes

To run Mickey's Space Adventure under ScummVM, the original executableof the game (mickey.exe) is needed together with the game's data files.

There is extensive mouse support for the game under ScummVM, even thoughthere wasn't any mouse support in the original game. Menu items can beselected using the mouse, and it is possible to move to other locationsusing the mouse as well. When the mouse cursor is hovered on the edgesof the screen, it changes color to red if it is possible to walk towardsthat direction. The player can then simply click on the edges of thegame's screen to change location, similar to many adventure games, whichis simpler and more straightforward than moving around using the menu.

3.13) Might and Magic Xeen games notes

To properly play the World of Xeen CD Talkie using original discs, useLAME or some other encoder to rip the cd audio tracks to files, eithermp3 or ogg. Whichever you choose, the tracks of the first CD should benamed from track02 to track31, whereas the second CD's audio tracksshould be encoded and renamed as track32 through to track60.

For the GOG Might and Magic 4-5 installation, install the game to yourcomputer, and do the following steps:

  • The game1.inst (CUE) and game1.gog (BIN) file from the game folderis a CD image. Use software like Virtual CloneDrive to mount it as adrive. Linux and MacOS users can use bchunk to convert it to an ISO.
  • Copy all the .cc files from the subfolder in the mounted drive to anew empty game folder that you create for the game.
  • Copy all the music/*.ogg files from the GOG installation to yourgame folder. You'll then need to rename all of them from xeen??.oggto track??.ogg
  • You should then be able to point ScummVM to this new game folder,and the CD talkie version should be detected.

Savegames from either Clouds or Darkside of Xeen games can betransferred across to World of Xeen (that combines both games) simply bysetting up and detecting World of Xeen (either by manually combining thetwo games or using the GOG World of Xeen installer), and then renamingthe savegames to use the World of Xeen savegame format, by default'worldofxeen.*'

The Xeen engine also offers two custom options in the Engine tab for thegames in the ScummVM launcher. They are:

  • To change the threshold armor breaks at for characters from -10HP to-80HP
  • To show values for inventory items, even outside of the blacksmith,allowing the relative strength/value of armor and weapons to becompared.

3.14) Myst game notes

Left Click: Move/action
Space: Pause the game
Esc: Skip cutscene
F5: Menu

Myst will autosave to slot 0 if no save or an autosave is present inslot 0.

3.15) Quest for Glory notes

It is possible to import characters, beginning with Quest for Glory II,from past games to future games and continue from the stats earned fromthose games.

For example, a character can be imported from Quest for Glory I directlyto Quest for Glory III without having to necessarily play Quest forGlory II.

Characters cannot be imported from future games to past games, nor can acharacter be imported to the same game that was just completed. In otherwords, a character from Quest for Glory II cannot be imported into Questfor Glory II.

If you want to use a saved character from the original Sierrainterpreter, you will need to rename the character file to'qfg[game-number]-[character-filename].sav' and place it in theScummVM save path (see section 6.0), otherwise the file won't get listedon the import screen.

Example: qfg2-thief.sav

3.16) Riven game notes

Left Click: Move/action
Arrow Keys: Movement
Page Up: Look up
Page Down: Look down
Space: Pause the game
Esc: Skip cutscene
F5: Menu
Ctrl-o: Load game
Ctrl-s: Save game

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Riven will autosave to slot 0 if no save or an autosave is present inslot 0.

3.17) Simon the Sorcerer games notes

If you have the dual version of Simon the Sorcerer 1 or 2 on CD, youwill find the Windows version in the main directory of the CD and theDOS version in the DOS directory of the CD.

3.18) Starship Titanic game notes

For the purposes of solving the starfield puzzle, only mouse clicks, Land Tab are really needed, though the action glyph in the PET can beused instead of Tab.

3.19) The Curse of Monkey Island notes

For this game, you will need the comi.la0, comi.la1 and comi.la2 files.The comi.la0 file can be found on either CD, but since they areidentical it doesn't matter which one of them you use.

In addition, you will need to create a 'resource' subdirectorycontaining all of the files from -both- 'resource' subdirectories on thetwo CDs. Some of the files appear on both CDs, but again they'reidentical.

3.20) The Feeble Files notes

Amiga/Macintosh: You need to install a small pack of cutscenes that aremissing in both of these versions of The Feeble Files. It's called 'TheFeeble Files - Omni TV and epilogue cutscenes for the Amiga andMacintosh versions' and you can get it here:

Windows: If you have the Windows version of The Feeble Files, there areseveral things to note.

Many of the files necessary for the game are stored in an InstallShieldfile called, which ScummVM is unable to unpack. You will needto use the original installer or i5comp to unpack the contents of thisfile. The i5comp decompression tool, can be found via a search on theinternet.

To use the speech files with ScummVM, they need to be renamed asfollows:

  • Rename voices.wav on CD1 to voices1.wav
  • Rename voices.wav on CD2 to voices2.wav
  • Rename voices.wav on CD3 to voices3.wav
  • Rename voices.wav on CD4 to voices4.wav

3.21) The Legend of Kyrandia notes

To run The Legend of Kyrandia under ScummVM you need the kyra.datfile. The file should already be included in official ScummVM packages.In case ScummVM complains that the file is missing you can find it onthe Downloads page of the ScummVM website. Note that the currentWindows release of ScummVM should contain the file embedded into theexecutable, thus you only need to grab it in case ScummVM complainsabout the file being missing.

3.22) Troll's Tale notes

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The original game came in a PC booter disk, therefore it is necessary todump the contents of that disk in an image file and name it 'troll.img'to be able to play the game under ScummVM.

3.23) Winnie the Pooh notes

It is possible to import saved games from the original interpreter ofthe game into ScummVM.

There is extensive mouse support for the game under ScummVM, even thoughthere wasn't any mouse support in the original game. Menu items can beselected using the mouse, and it is possible to move to other locationsusing the mouse as well. When the mouse cursor is hovered on the edgesof the screen, it changes color to red if it is possible to walk towardsthat direction. The player can then simply click on the edges of thegame's screen to change location, similar to many adventure games, whichis simpler and more straightforward than moving around using the menu.

3.24) Sierra AGI games: Predictive Input Dialog

The Predictive Input Dialog is a ScummVM aid for running AGI enginegames (which notoriously require command line input) on devices withlimited keyboard support. In these situations, since typing withemulated keyboards is quite tedious, commands can be entered quickly andeasily via the Predictive Input Dialog.

In order to enable predictive input in AGI games, you need to copy thepred.dic file in the ScummVM extras directory or the directory of thegame you wish to play. This dictionary has been created by parsingthrough all known AGI games and contains the maximum set of commonwords.

If the dictionary is detected, the Predictive Input Dialog is displayedeither when you click on the command line area (wherever keyboard inputis required, even in dialog boxes), or in some ports by pressing adesignated hot key.

The predictive input dialog operates in three modes, switchable by the(*)Pre/123/Abc button. The primary input method is the predictive mode(Pre) which resembles the way 'fast typing' is performed at phones. Thealphabet is divided into 9 sets which naturally map to the 9 number keysof the numeric keypad (0 is space). To type in a word, you press oncethe number of the set which contains the letter of the word you intendto type, then move on to the next. For example, to type the commandlook, you should press 5665. As you gradually type the intended word'snumeric code, the dictionary is accessed for known words matching yourinput up to that point. As you press more keys, the prediction convergesto the correct word. This is why the printed word may changedramatically between key presses. There exist situations though wheremore than one words share the same numeric representation. For examplethe words quit and suit map to the same number, namely 7848. Inthese cases the (#)next button lights up. By pressing it, you can cyclethrough the list of words sharing the same code and finally accept thecorrect one by pressing (0)space or the Ok button.

The second input method (123) is the numeric input: Each key you pressis entered verbatim as a number.

The third input method (Abc) is the Multi-tap Alpha input mode. Thismode is intended for entering free text, without assistance from thedictionary scheme of predictive (Pre) mode. The text is entered oneletter at the time. For each letter first press the number of the setwhich contains the letter you want, then use the (#)next button tocycle through the letters and repeat with another number. For example,to enter the word look you must press the following:5##6##6##5#

The dialog is fully usable with the mouse, but a few provisions havebeen made in some ScummVM ports to make its use more comfortable bynaturally mapping the functionality to the numeric keypad. Also, thedialog's buttons can be navigated with the arrow and the enter keys.

3.25) Sierra SCI games: Simultaneous speech and subtitles

Certain CD versions of Sierra SCI games had both speech and textresources. Some have an option to toggle between the two, but there aresome cases where there wasn't any option to enable both simultaneously.In ScummVM, it is possible to enjoy a combined mode, where both speechand text are shown at the same time. This mode can be toggled in theScummVM audio options, but each game has different behavior in-gameregarding speech and text toggling.

The CD games where speech and subtitles can be shown simultaneously are:

  • EcoQuest 1 CD
  • Freddy Pharkas CD
  • Gabriel Knight CD
  • King's Quest 6 CD
  • King's Quest VII CD
  • Laura Bow 2 CD
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 CD
  • Leisure Suit Larry 6 (hires) CD
  • Police Quest 4 CD
  • Shivers CD
  • Space Quest 4 CD
  • Space Quest 6 CD Torin's Passage CD

EcoQuest 1 CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the game's 'Mode'option in the options dialog, or via ScummVM's audio options.

Freddy Pharkas CD: There is no in-game option to toggle speech andtext. Only ScummVM's audio options can be used to toggle this feature.Note that some spoken dialog is missing from the game texts.

Gabriel Knight CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the 'Text' and'Voice' buttons in the game's settings dialog, or via ScummVM's audiooptions.

King's Quest 6 CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the 'Mode'button in the options dialog (with an extra 'Dual' setting added inScummVM), or via ScummVM's audio options.

King's Quest VII CD: There is no in-game option to toggle speech andtext. Only ScummVM's audio options can be used to toggle this feature.Note that the subtitles were disabled in the official release of thisgame, so some subtitles may be wrong or missing.

Laura Bow 2 CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the 'Mode' buttonin the options dialog (with an extra 'Dual' setting added in ScummVM),or via ScummVM's audio options.

Leisure Suit Larry 6 CD: Either speech only or speech and text canbe selected. There is no in-game option to toggle text only. OnlyScummVM's audio options can be used to enable the text only mode.

Leisure Suit Larry 6 (hires) CD: Text can be toggled by selectingthe 'Text On/Off' option from the in-game 'Game' menu, or via ScummVM'saudio options. Speech cannot be disabled.

Police Quest 4 CD: Either speech only or text only can be selectedfrom the game's settings dialog. Only ScummVM's audio options can beused to enable text+speech mode.

Shivers CD: Text can be toggled by selecting the 'Text' option fromthe game's settings dialog, or via ScummVM's audio options. Note thatonly videos have subtitles in this game.

Space Quest 4 CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the 'DisplayMode' button in the options dialog, or via ScummVM's audio options.

Space Quest 6 CD: Speech and text can be toggled via the 'Speech'and 'Text' buttons in the game's settings dialog, or via ScummVM's audiooptions.

Torin's Passage CD: Text can be toggled by selecting 'ClosedCaptioning' from the in-game 'Game' menu. Speech can be disabled byselecting 'Audio Mixer' from the in-game 'Game' menu and setting thespeech volume to zero.

3.26) Zork games notes

To run the supported Zork games (Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands andZork: Grand Inquisitor) you need to copy some (extra) data to itscorresponding destination.

3.26.1) Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands

Download the Liberation(tm) fonts package unpack all the ttf files into your ScummVM extras directory.Alternatively, download the GNU FreeFont TTF package and unzip all thettf files from the sfd directory into your ScummVM extras directory,though at the time of writing these fonts cause some text renderingissues. Download the subtitles patch and unzip theaddon directory into the game root directory

3.26.2) Zork: Grand Inquisitor

Download the Liberation(tm) fonts package unpack all the ttf files into your ScummVM extras directory.Alternatively, download the GNU FreeFont TTF package and unzip all thettf files from the sfd directory into your ScummVM extras directory,though at the time of writing these fonts cause some text renderingissues.

3.27) Commodore64 games notes

Both Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken run but Maniac Mansion is not yetplayable. Simply name the D64 disks 'maniac1.d64' and 'maniac2.d64'respectively 'zak1.d64' and 'zak2.d64', then ScummVM should be able toautomatically detect the game if you point it at the right directory.

Alternatively, you can use extract_mm_c64 from the tools package toextract the data files. But then the game will not be properlyautodetected by ScummVM, and you must make sure that the platform is setto Commodore64. We recommend using the much simpler approach describedin the previous paragraph.

3.28) Macintosh games notes

All LucasArts SCUMM based adventures, except COMI, also exist inversions for the Macintosh. ScummVM can use most (all?) of them,however, in some cases some additional work is required. First off, ifyou are not using a Macintosh for this, accessing the CD/floppy datamight be tricky. The reason for this is that the mac uses a special diskformat called HFS which other systems usually do not support. However,there are various free tools which allow reading such HFS volumes. Forexample HFSExplorer for Windows and hfsutils for Linux and otherUnix-like operating systems.

Most of the newer games on the Macintosh shipped with only a single datafile (note that in some cases this data file was made invisible, so youmay need extra tools in order to copy it). ScummVM is able to directlyuse such a data file; simply point ScummVM at the directory containingit, and it should work (just like with every other supported game).

We also provide a tool called extract_scumm_mac in the tools packageto extract the data from these data files, but this is neither requirednor recommended.

For further information on copying Macintosh game files to your harddisk see:

4.0) Supported Platforms

ScummVM has been ported to run on many platforms and operating systems.Links to these ports can be found either on the ScummVM web page or by aGoogle search. Many thanks to our porters for their efforts. If you havea port of ScummVM and wish to commit it into the master git, feel freeto contact us!

Supported platforms include (but are not limited to):

  • UNIX (Linux, Solaris, IRIX, *BSD, ...)
  • Windows
  • Windows CE
  • Windows Mobile (including Smartphones and PocketPCs)
  • Mac OS X
  • AmigaOS
  • Android
  • Atari/FreeMiNT
  • BeOS
  • Dreamcast
  • GP2x
  • Haiku
  • iPhone (also includes iPod Touch and iPad)
  • Maemo (Nokia Internet tablet N810)
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo DS
  • Nintendo GameCube
  • Nintendo Wii
  • OpenPandora
  • OS/2
  • PlayStation 2
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation Portable
  • PlayStation Vita
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Symbian
  • WebOS

The Dreamcast port does not support The Curse of Monkey Island, nor TheDig. The Nintendo DS port does not support Full Throttle, The Dig, orThe Curse of Monkey Island. For more platform specific limitations,please refer to our Wiki:

In the Macintosh port, the right mouse button is emulated via Cmd-Click(that is, you click the mouse button while holding theCommand/Apple/Propeller key).

There are unofficial ports to a variety of platforms, including theXbox, and Xbox 360. Please note that these are not madeby us, so we neither endorse nor can we support them. Use at your ownrisk!

5.0) Running ScummVM

Please note that by default, ScummVM will save games in the directory itis executed from, so you should refrain from running it from more thanone location. Further information, including how to specify a specificsave directory to avoid this issue, are in section 6.0.

ScummVM can be launched directly by running the executable. In thiscase, the built-in launcher will activate. From this, you can add games(click 'Add Game'), or launch games which have already been configured.Games can also be added in mass quantities. By pressing shift + 'AddGame' (Note that the image turns to 'Mass Add'), you can then specify adirectory to start in, and ScummVM will attempt to detect games in allsubdirectories of that directory.

ScummVM can also be launched into a game directly using Command Linearguments -- see the next section.

5.1) Command Line Options

The meaning of most long options (that is, those options starting with adouble-dash) can be inverted by prefixing them with 'no-'. For example,--no-aspect-ratio will turn aspect ratio correction off. This isuseful if you want to override a setting in the configuration file.

The short game name ('game target') you see at the end of the commandline specifies which game is started. It either corresponds to anarbitrary user defined target (from the configuration file), or to abuilt-in gameid. A brief list of the latter can be found in section 3.0.


  • Win32:
    Running Monkey Island, fullscreen, from a hard disk:
    C:GamesLucasArtsscummvm.exe -f -pC:GamesLucasArtsmonkey monkey
    Running Full Throttle from CD, fullscreen and with subtitlesenabled:
    C:GamesLucasArtsscummvm.exe -f -n -pD:resource ft

  • Unix:
    Running Monkey Island, fullscreen, from a hard disk:
    /path/to/scummvm -f -p/games/LucasArts/monkey/ monkey
    Running Full Throttle from CD, fullscreen and with subtitlesenabled:
    /path/to/scummvm -f -n -p/cdrom/resource/ ft

5.2) Global Menu

The Global Menu is a general menu which is available to all of the gameengines by pressing Ctrl-F5. From this menu there are the followingbuttons: Resume, Options, About, Return to Launcher, and Quit. SelectingOptions will display a dialog where basic audio settings, such asvolume levels, can be adjusted. Selecting 'Return to Launcher' willclose the current game and return the user back to the ScummVM Launcher,where another game may be selected to play.

Note: Returning to the Launcher is not supported by all of the engines,and the button will be disabled in the Global Menu if it is notsupported.

Engines which currently support returning to the Launcher are:

5.3) Graphics filters

ScummVM offers several anti-aliasing filters to attempt to improvevisual quality. These are the same filters used in many other emulators,such as MAME. These filters take the original game graphics, and scaleit by a certain fixed factor (usually 2x or 3x) before displaying themto you. So for example, if the game originally run at a resolution of320x200 (typical for most of the SCUMM games), then using a filter withscale factor 2x will effectively yield 640x400 graphics. Likewise with a3x filter you will get 960x600.

They are:

To select a graphics filter, select it in the Launcher, or pass its namevia the '-g' option to scummvm, for example:

Note #1: Not all backends support all (or even any) of the filterslisted above; some may support additional ones. The filters listed aboveare those supported by the default SDL backend.

Note #2: Filters can be very slow when ScummVM is compiled in a debugconfiguration without optimizations. And there is always a speed impactwhen using any form of anti-aliasing/linear filtering.

Note #3: The FM-TOWNS version of Zak McKracken uses an originalresolution of 320x240, hence for this game scalers will scale to 640x480or 960x720. Likewise, games that originally were using 640x480 (such asCurse of Monkey Island or Broken Sword) will be scaled to 1280x960 and1920x1440.

5.4) Hotkeys

ScummVM supports various in-game hotkeys. They differ between SCUMMgames and other games.

Note that using Ctrl-f or Ctrl-g is not recommended: games can crashwhen being run faster than their normal speed, as scripts will losesynchronisation.

Note for WinCE users: Due to the limited keyboard input in most devices,a small subset of these hot keys are supported via key remapping and/orpanel actions. Please consult the README-WinCE.txt file.

5.5) Language options

ScummVM includes a language option for Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken,The Dig, The Curse of Monkey Island, Beneath a Steel Sky and BrokenSword.

Note that with the exception of Beneath a Steel Sky, Broken Sword,multilanguage versions of Goblins games and Nippon Safes Inc., usingthis option does not change the language of the game (which usually ishardcoded), but rather is only used to select the appropriate font (e.g.for a German version of a game, one containing umlauts).

An exception are The Dig and The Curse of Monkey Island -- non-Englishversions can be set to 'English.' This however only affects subtitles;game speech will remain the same.

6.0) Saved Games

Saved games are by default put in the current directory on someplatforms and preset directories on others. You can specify the save inthe config file by setting the savepath parameter. See the exampleconfig file later in this README.

The platforms that currently have a different default directory are:

Mac OS X:

$HOME/Documents/ScummVM Savegames/

Other unices:

We follow the XDG Base Directory Specification. This means by defaultsaved games can be found in: $XDG_DATA_HOME/scummvm/saves/

If XDG_DATA_HOME is not defined or empty, ~/.local/share will beused as value of XDG_DATA_HOME in accordance with the specification.

If an earlier version of ScummVM was installed on your system, theprevious default location of ~/.scummvm will be kept. This is detectedbased on the presence of the path ~/.scummvm.

Windows Vista/7:

UsersusernameAppDataRoamingScummVMSaved games

Windows 2000/XP:

Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataScummVMSaved games

Windows NT4:

<windir>ProfilesusernameApplication DataScummVMSaved games

Saved games are stored under a hidden area in WindowsNT4/2000/XP/Vista/7, which can be accessed by running%APPDATA%ScummVMSaved Games or by enabling hidden files in WindowsExplorer.

Note for Windows NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7 users: The default saved gameslocation changed in ScummVM 1.5.0. The migration batch file can be usedto copy saved games from the old default location, to the new defaultlocation.

6.1) Autosaves

For some games ScummVM will by default automatically save the currentstate every five minutes (adjustable via the autosave_period configsetting). The default autosave slot for many engines is slot 0.

The games/engines listed below have autosave support.

  • AGI games
  • Beneath a Steel Sky
  • Bud Tucker in Double Trouble
  • COMPOSER games
  • Flight of the Amazon Queen
  • Myst
  • Riven
  • SCUMM games
  • The Legend of Kyrandia I (slot 999)
  • ZVISION games

For the SCUMM engine, this saved game can then be loaded again viaCtrl-0, or the F5 menu.

6.2) Converting Saved Games

Using saved games from original versions isn't supported by all gameengines. Only the following games can use saved games from theiroriginal versions.

  • Elvira 1

    • Add 8 bytes (saved game name) to the start of the saved gamefile
    • Rename the saved game to
  • Elvira 2

    • Add 8 bytes (saved game name) to the start of the saved gamefile
    • Rename the saved game to (DOS version) (Other versions)
  • Myst

    • Rename the saved game to myst-xxx.mys
    • Saves from the masterpiece edition and the regular edition areinterchangeable
  • Riven

    • Rename the saved game to riven-xxx.rvn
    • Saves from the CD and DVD edition are not interchangeable
  • Simon the Sorcerer 1

    • Rename the saved game to
  • Simon the Sorcerer 2

    • Rename the saved game to
  • Starship Titanic

    • Rename the saved game to for saves from theEnglish version and for saves from theGerman version
    • Saved games between different languages are not interchangeable
  • The Feeble Files

    • Rename the saved game to
  • Waxworks

    • Add 8 bytes (saved game name) to the start of the saved gamefile
    • Rename the saved game to (DOS version) (Other versions)

Where xxx is exact the saved game slot (i.e., 001) under ScummVM

6.3) Viewing/Loading saved games from the command line


This switch may be used to display a list of the current saved games ofthe specified target game and their corresponding save slots. If notarget is specified, it lists saved games for all known target.

Usage: --list-saves --game=[TARGET], where [TARGET] is the targetgame.

Engines which currently support --list-saves are:

  • AGI
  • AGOS
  • CGE
  • CINE
  • HUGO
  • KYRA
  • LURE
  • SAGA
  • SCI
  • SKY
  • SWORD1
  • SWORD2
  • TOON


This switch may be used to load a saved game directly from the commandline.

Usage: --save-slot[SLOT] or -x[SLOT], where [SLOT] is the saveslot number.

Freddi Fish Emulator

Engines which currently support --save-slot / -x are:

  • AGI
  • CGE
  • CINE
  • HUGO
  • KYRA
  • LURE
  • SAGA
  • SCI
  • SKY
  • SWORD1
  • SWORD2
  • TOON

7.0) Music and Sound

On most operating systems and for most games, ScummVM will by defaultuse MT-32 or AdLib emulation for music playback. MIDI may not beavailable on all operating systems or may need manual configuration. Ifyou want to use MIDI, you have several different choices of output,depending on your operating system and configuration.

To select a sound driver, select it in the Launcher, or pass its namevia the -e option to scummvm, for example:

scummvm -eadlib monkey2

7.1) AdLib emulation

By default an AdLib card will be emulated and ScummVM will output themusic as sampled waves. This is the default mode for several games, andoffers the best compatibility between machines and games.

7.2) FluidSynth MIDI emulation

If ScummVM was build with libfluidsynth support it will be able to playMIDI music through the FluidSynth driver. You will have to specify aSoundFont to use, however.

Since the default output volume from FluidSynth can be fairly low,ScummVM will set the gain by default to get a stronger signal. This canbe further adjusted using the --midi-gain command-line option, or themidi_gain config file setting.

The setting can take any value from 0 through 1000, with the defaultbeing 100. (This corresponds to FluidSynth's gain settings of 0.0through 10.0, which are presumably measured in decibel.)

NOTE: The processor requirements for FluidSynth can be fairly high insome cases. A fast CPU is recommended.

7.3) MT-32 emulation

Some games which contain MIDI music data also have improved tracksdesigned for the MT-32 sound module. ScummVM can now emulate thisdevice, however you must provide original MT-32 ROMs to make it work:

MT32_PCM.ROM - IC21 (512KB)
MT32_CONTROL.ROM - IC26 (32KB) and IC27 (32KB), interleaved byte-wise

Place these ROMs in the game directory, in your extrapath, or in thedirectory where your ScummVM executable resides.

You don't need to specify --native-mt32 with this driver, as itautomatically gets turned on.

NOTE: The processor requirements for the emulator are quite high; a fastCPU is strongly recommended.

7.4) MIDI emulation

Some games (such as Sam & Max) only contain MIDI music data. This onceprevented music for these games from working on platforms that do notsupport MIDI, or soundcards that do not provide MIDI drivers (e.g. manysoundcards will not play MIDI under Linux). ScummVM can now emulate MIDImode using sampled waves and AdLib, FluidSynth MIDI emulation or MT-32emulation using the -eadlib, -efluidsynth or -emt32 optionsrespectively. However, if you are capable of using native MIDI, werecommend using one of the MIDI modes below for best sound.

7.5) Native MIDI support

Use the appropriate -e<mode> command line option from the list aboveto select your preferred MIDI device. For example, if you wish to usethe Windows MIDI driver, use the -ewindows option.

7.5.1) Using MIDI options to customize Native MIDI output

ScummVM supports a variety of MIDI modes, depending on the capabilitiesof your MIDI device.

If --native-mt32 is specified, ScummVM will treat your device as areal MT-32. Because the instrument mappings and system exclusivecommands of the MT-32 vary from those of General MIDI devices, youshould only enable this option if you are using an actual Roland MT-32,LAPC-I, CM-64, CM-32L, CM-500, or GS device with an MT-32 map.

If --enable-gs is specified, ScummVM will initialize yourGS-compatible device with settings that mimic the MT-32's reverb, (lackof) chorus, pitch bend sensitivity, etc. If it is specified inconjunction with --native-mt32, ScummVM will select theMT-32-compatible map and drumset on your GS device. This setting worksbetter than default GM or GS emulation with games that do not havecustom instrument mappings (Loom and Monkey1). You should only specifyboth settings if you are using a GS device that has an MT-32 map, suchas an SC-55, SC-88, SC-88 Pro, SC-8820, SC-8850, etc. Please note that--enable-gs is automatically disabled in both DOTT and Samnmax, sincethey use General MIDI natively.

If neither of the above settings is enabled, ScummVM will initializeyour device in General MIDI mode and use GM emulation in games withMT-32 soundtracks.

Some games contain sound effects that are exclusive to the AdLibsoundtrack. For these games, you may wish to specify --multi-midi inorder to combine MIDI music with AdLib sound effects.

7.6) UNIX native, ALSA and dmedia sequencer support

If your soundcard driver supports a sequencer, you may set theenvironment variable SCUMMVM_MIDI to your sequencer device -- forexample, to /dev/sequencer

If you have problems with not hearing audio in this configuration, youmay need to set the environment variable SCUMMVM_MIDIPORT to 1 or 2.This selects the port on the selected sequencer to use. Then startscummvm with the -eseq parameter. This should work on several cards,and may offer better performance and quality than AdLib emulation.However, for those systems where sequencer support does not work, youcan always fall back on AdLib emulation.

7.6.1) ALSA sequencer [UNIX ONLY]

If you have installed the ALSA driver with sequencer support, then youmay set the environment variable SCUMMVM_PORT or the config filevariable alsa_port to specify your sequencer port. If neither is set,the default behavior is to try both '65:0' and '17:0'.

Here is a brief guide on how to use the ALSA sequencer with yoursoundcard. In all cases, to obtain a list of all the sequencer ports youhave, try the command aconnect -o -l. This should give output similarto:

The most important bit here is that there are four WaveTable MIDIoutputs located at 17:0, 17:1, 17:2 and 17:3, and four TiMidity portslocated at 128:0, 128:1, 128:2 and 128:3.

If you have a FM-chip on your card, like the SB16, then you have to loadthe SoundFonts using the sbiload software. Example:

If you have a WaveTable capable sound card, you have to load a sbk orsf2 SoundFont using the sfxload or asfxload software. Example:

If you don't have a MIDI capable soundcard, there are two options:FluidSynth and TiMidity. We recommend FluidSynth, as on many systemsTiMidity will 'lag' behind music. This is very noticeable iniMUSE-enabled games, which use fast and dynamic music transitions.Running TiMidity as root will allow it to setup real time priority,which may reduce music lag.

Asking TiMidity to become an ALSA sequencer:

(If you get distorted output with this setting, you can try dropping the-B2,8 or changing the value.)

Asking FluidSynth to become an ALSA sequencer (using SoundFonts):

Once either TiMidity or FluidSynth are running, use the 'aconnect -o -l'command as described earlier in this section.

7.6.2) IRIX dmedia sequencer: [UNIX ONLY]

If you are using IRIX and the dmedia driver with sequencer support, youcan set the environment variable SCUMMVM_MIDIPORT or the config filevariable dmedia_port to specify your sequencer port. The default is touse the first port.

To get a list of configured midi interfaces on your system, run'startmidi' without parameters. Example output:

In this example, you can configure ScummVM to use the 'Software Synth'instead of the default 'Serial Port 2' by adding a line

to your configuration file in the section [scummvm], or settingSCUMMVM_PORT=Software Synth in your environment.

7.7) TiMidity++ MIDI server support

If your system lacks any MIDI sequencer, but you still want better MIDIquality than default AdLib emulation can offer, you can try theTiMidity++ MIDI server. See fordownload and install instructions.

First, you need to start a daemon:

Now you can start ScummVM and try selection TiMidity music output. Bydefault, it will connect to localhost:7777, but you can change host/portvia the TIMIDITY_HOST environment variable. You can also specify a'device number' using the SCUMMVM_MIDIPORT environment variable.

7.8) Using compressed audio files

7.8.1) Using MP3 files for CD audio

Use LAME or some other MP3 encoder to rip the cd audio tracks to files.Name the files track1.mp3 track2.mp3 etc. ScummVM must be compiled withMAD support to use this option. You will need to rip the file from theCD as a WAV file, then encode the MP3 files in constant bit rate. Thiscan be done with the following LAME command line:

7.8.2) Using Ogg Vorbis files for CD audio

Use oggenc or some other vorbis encoder to encode the audio tracks tofiles. Name the files track1.ogg track2.ogg etc. ScummVM must becompiled with vorbis support to use this option. You will need to ripthe files from the CD as a WAV file, then encode the vorbis files. Thiscan be done with the following oggenc command line with the value afterq specifying the desired quality from 0 to 10:

7.8.3) Using Flac files for CD audio

Use flac or some other flac encoder to encode the audio tracks to files.Name the files track1.flac track2.flac etc. If your filesystem onlyallows three letter extensions, name the files track1.fla track2.flaetc. ScummVM must be compiled with flac support to use this option. Youwill need to rip the files from the CD as a WAV file, then encode theflac files. This can be done with the following flac command line:

Remember that the quality is always the same, varying encoder optionswill only affect the encoding time and resulting filesize.

7.8.4) Compressing MONSTER.SOU with MP3

You need LAME, and our compress_scumm_sou utility from thescummvm-tools package to perform this task, and ScummVM must be compiledwith MAD support.

Eventually you will have a much smaller monster.so3 file, copy this fileto your game directory. You can safely remove the monster.sou file.

7.8.5) Compressing MONSTER.SOU with Ogg Vorbis

As above, but ScummVM must be compiled with OGG support. Run:

This should produce a smaller monster.sog file, which you should copy toyour game directory. Ogg encoding may take a considerable longer amountof time than MP3, so have a good book handy.

7.8.6) Compressing MONSTER.SOU with Flac

As above, but ScummVM must be compiled with Flac support. Run:

This should produce a smaller monster.sof file, which you should copy toyour game directory. Remember that the quality is always the same,varying encoder options will only affect the encoding time and resultingfile size. Playing with the blocksize (-b <value>), has the biggestimpact on the resulting file size -- 1152 seems to be a good value forthose kind of soundfiles. Be sure to read the encoder documentationbefore you use other values.

7.8.7) Compressing music/sfx/speech in AGOS games

Use our compress_agos utility from the scummvm-tools package toperform this task. You can choose between multiple target formats, butnote that you can only use each if ScummVM was compiled with therespective decoder support enabled.

For Ogg Vorbis add --vorbis to the options, i.e.

For Flac add --flac and optional parameters, i.e.

Eventually you will have a much smaller *.mp3, *.ogg or *.fla file,copy this file to your game directory. You can safely remove the oldfile.

7.8.8) Compressing speech/music in Broken Sword

The compress_sword1 tool from the scummvm-tools package can encodemusic and speech to MP3, Ogg Vorbis as well as Flac. The easiest way toencode the files is simply copying the executable into your BS1directory (together with the lame encoder) and run it from there. Thisway, it will automatically encode everything to MP3. Afterwards, you canmanually remove the SPEECH?.CLU files and the wave music files.

Running compress_sword1 --vorbis will compress the files using OggVorbis instead of MP3.

Running compress_sword1 --flac will compress the files using Flacinstead of MP3.

Use compress_sword1 --help to get a full list of the options.

7.8.9) Compressing speech/music in Broken Sword II

Use our compress_sword2 utility from the scummvm-tools package toperform this task. You can choose between multiple target formats, butnote that you can only use each if ScummVM was compiled with therespective decoder support enabled.

For Ogg Vorbis add --vorbis to the options, i.e.

Eventually you will have a much smaller *.cl3 or *.clg file, copy thisfile to your game directory. You can safely remove the old file.

It is possible to use Flac compression by adding the --flac option.However, the resulting *.clf file will actually be larger than theoriginal.

Please note that compress_sword2 will only work with the fourspeech/music files in Broken Sword II. It will not work with any of theother *.clu files, nor will it work with the speech files from BrokenSword.

7.9) Output sample rate

The output sample rate tells ScummVM how many sound samples to play perchannel per second. There is much that could be said on this subject,but most of it would be irrelevant here. The short version is that formost games 22050 Hz is fine, but in some cases 44100 Hz is preferable.On extremely low-end systems you may want to use 11025 Hz, but it isunlikely that you have to worry about that.

To elaborate, most of the sounds ScummVM has to play were sampled ateither 22050 Hz or 11025 Hz. Using a higher sample rate will notmagically improve the quality of these sounds. Hence, 22050 Hz is fine.

Some games use CD audio. If you use compressed files for this, they areprobably sampled at 44100 Hz, so for these games that may be a betterchoice of sample rate.

When using the AdLib, FM Towns, PC Speaker or IBM PCjr music drivers,ScummVM is responsible for generating the samples. Usually 22050 Hz willbe plenty for these, but there is at least one piece of AdLib music inBeneath a Steel Sky that will sound a lot better at 44100 Hz.

Using frequencies in between is not recommended. For one thing, yoursound card may not support it. In theory, ScummVM should fall back on asensible frequency in that case, but don't count on it. Moreimportantly, ScummVM has to resample all sounds to its output frequency.This is much easier to do well if the output frequency is a multiple ofthe original frequency.

8.0) Configuration file

By default, the configuration file is saved in, and loaded from:

Windows Vista/7:


Windows 2000/XP:

Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataScummVMscummvm.ini

Windows NT4:

<windir>ProfilesusernameApplication DataScummVMscummvm.ini

Windows 95/98/ME:


If an earlier version of ScummVM was installed under Windows, theprevious default location of <windir>scummvm.ini will be kept.


We follow the XDG Base Directory Specification. This means ourconfiguration can be found in: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scummvm/scummvm.ini

If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not defined or empty, ~/.config will be usedas value for XDG_CONFIG_HOME in accordance with the specification.

If an earlier version of ScummVM was installed on your system, theprevious default location of ~/.scummvmrc will be kept.

Freddi Fish Download Game

Mac OS X:

~/Library/Preferences/ScummVM Preferences (here, ~ refers to yourhome directory)



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scummvm.ini in the current directory

An example config file looks as follows:

8.1) Recognized configuration keywords

The following keywords are recognized:

Sierra games using the AGI engine add the following non-standard keywords:

Sierra games using the SCI engine add the following non-standard keywords:

Broken Sword II adds the following non-standard keywords:

Flight of the Amazon Queen adds the following non-standard keywords:

Hopkins FBI adds the following non-standard keyword:

Jones in the Fast Lane adds the following non-standard keyword:

King's Quest VI Windows adds the following non-standard keyword:

Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos adds the following non-standard keywords:

Space Quest IV CD adds the following non-standard keyword:

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Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2 add the following non-standard keywords:

Soltys adds the following non-standard keyword:

The Legend of Kyrandia adds the following non-standard keyword:

The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate adds the following non-standardkeyword:

The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge adds the following non-standardkeywords:

The Neverhood adds the following non-standard keywords:

The 7th Guest adds the following non-standard keyword:

Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands adds the following non-standard keywords:

Zork: Grand Inquisitor adds the following non-standard keywords:

8.2) Custom game options that can be toggled via the GUI

A lot of the custom game options in the previous section can be toggledvia the GUI. If a custom option is available for a specific game, a newtab called 'Engine' will appear when adding or editing the configurationof that game. If the custom options are not shown, the games in questionwill need to be run once or readded in the ScummVM launcher's game list.This will update the configuration of each entry, allowing the customoptions to be shown.

9.0) Screenshots (SDL backend only)

On systems using the SDL backend (for example Windows, Mac or Linux) youcan use alt+s to take snapshots (see section 5.4 - Hotkeys).

You can specify the directory in which you want the screenshots to becreated in the config file. To do so add a screenshotpath value underthe [scummvm] section:

The default location, when no screenshot path is defined in the configfile, depends on the OS:

  • Windows: In UsersusernameMy PicturesScummVM Screenshots.
  • macOS X: On the Desktop.
  • Other unices: In the XDG Pictures user directory,e.g. ~/Pictures/ScummVM Screenshots
  • Any other OS: In the current directory.

10.0) Compiling

For an up-to-date overview on how to compile ScummVM for variousplatforms, please consult our Wiki, in particular this page:

If you are compiling for Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, you need SDL-1.2.2or newer (older versions may work, but are unsupported), and a supportedcompiler. Several compilers, including GCC, mingw and recent versions ofMicrosoft Visual C++ are supported. If you wish to use MP3-compressed CDtracks or .SOU files, you will need to install the MAD library; likewiseyou will need the appropriate libraries for Ogg Vorbis and FLACcompressed sound. For compressed save states, zlib is required.

Some parts of ScummVM, particularly scalers, have highly optimizedversions written in assembler. If you wish to use this option, you willneed to install nasm assembler (see Note thatwe currently only have x86 MMX optimized versions, and they will notcompile on other processors.

On Windows, you can define USE_WINDBG and attach WinDbg to browsedebug messages (see

  • Windows:

    • MinGW:

      • Please refer to:
    • Visual Studio (MSVC):

      • Please refer to:
  • Linux:

    • GCC:

      • Please refer to:
  • AmigaOS4:

    • Please refer to:
  • Apple iPhone:

    • Please refer to:
  • Atari/FreeMiNT:

    • Please refer to:
  • Bada/Tizen:

    • Please refer to:
  • BeOS/ZETA/Haiku:

    • Please refer to:
  • Google Android:

    • Please refer to:
  • HP webOS:

    • Please refer to:
  • Mac OS:

    • Mac OS X:

      • Please refer to:
    • Mac OS X 10.2.8:

      • Please refer to:
    • Mac OS X Crosscompiling:

      • Please refer to:
  • Maemo:

    • Please refer to:
  • Nintendo Wii and Gamecube:

    • Please refer to:
  • Raspberry Pi:

    • Please refer to:
  • Sega Dreamcast:

    • Please refer to:
  • Sony Playstation:

    • Sony PlayStation 2:

      • Please refer to:
    • Sony PlayStation 3:

      • Please refer to:
    • Sony PlayStation Portable:

      • Please refer to:
  • Symbian:

    • Please refer to:

11.0) Changelog

Please refer to our extensive Changelog here.

12.0) Credits

Please refer to our extensive Credits list here.

Good Luck and Happy Adventuring!
The ScummVM team.